
Drill This!

("The More You Drive,
The Less Intelligent You Are"
--Miller, REPO MAN)

cheaper gas prices!
that's my #1 priority
as an American

I say drill all over
drill on the beaches
in the fields
in the hills
on land and sea

we shall never stop driving!


what about my fucking car?

I can't afford to feed it
it's just parked there
wasting away

thank God its extra loud alarm
still works
get away from my car
you fucking terrorist cat!

I'd join a support group
but I can't afford
to drive there

so drill like a bastard!
I say

and then drive like a sonofabitch!

I want to save my car
I want to fuck my car
I want to fuck your car!

I want to make baby cars

so fill her up I say
we'll drill and drive to Heaven
or Hell!
I don't care
I just want to drive there
I'm a fucking American!

on 3 bucks a gallon or less
I'll drive all the way to Baghdad
get out of my way ragheads!
give me that fucking oil!

oh God!...oh CAR!...I'm coming!...
...was it good for you too?

PETER BUKNATSKI is a regular contributor to the CounterPunch Poets Basement, who lives in Montpelier, Vermont and can be reached at pbuknatski@yahoo.com.

Captioning Counterpunch Poet's Basement 09272008

